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Gen Z: What is important for brand names

Part 4 of the NOMEN Gen Z study: Sustainability, diveristy and global influence: Future oriented brand names for Gen Z In the fourth part of the series on brands and naming, the qualitative study conducted by NOMEN in November 2023 takes a look […]

Gen Z: What is important for brand names

Part 3 of the Nomen study: Emotional connected with brand names: The keys to loyalty Third stage of our journey into the world of Gen Z and their preferences when it comes to brand names: Here, the qualitative study conducted by NOMEN in […]

Gen Z: What is important for brand names

Part 2 of the Nomen Gen Z study: Authenticity and Gen Z: Why sincere brand names matter In the second part of the journey through the world of Gen Z and their brand name preferences, the qualitative study conducted by NOMEN in November […]

Gen Z: What is important for brand names

Part 1 of the Nomen Gen Z study: Gen Z in focus: How brand names can attract their attention ? Generation Z, those born between 1995 and 2010, is currently revolutionising the rules of marketing. According to Nielsen, this is because the group […]

Renaming: The strategies behind a name change

In the eponymous webinar by the naming agency NOMEN, marketing professionals recently received a lightning refuelling on the topic of renaming. Here’s a recap for those who couldn’t be there! Every name change is a strategic decision, that greatly influences the identity and […]